Hello guys today I am showing most famous app Facebook account deactivate process. At present one of the most popular app is Facebook. Worldwide 80% peoples use Facebook on mobile, laptop, computer. Facebook is a social media which was create Mark Zuckerberg in 2024. In addition American technology conglomerate Meta Platforms lead Facebook. We love to connected with social media all the time. At present Facebook is part and parcel in our daily life. But it is a matter of sorrow that Facebook kill our valuable time.
So some people want to decide they do not want to use facebook again or sometimes. But how is it possible. Do you have any idea about it. If you have no idea then you can follow our instructions. Because we come here to give you better solution of this problem. I think you can free from tension and reach in your dream or aim. In this case you need to deactivate your facebook account by follow this step. Don’t worry it is a temporary process. You can active your facebook account anytime. So without wasting time let’s begin.
How to Facebook Account Deactivate
First of all you need to open your Facebook. In this case you can use your mobile phone, laptop or PC. Then click on profile picture option at the top right side. Where you can see Settings & Privacy option. Now click on Settings.
Temporarily Deactivate Your Facebook Account
Step by step follow the rules. Careful if you miss any step then you can not complete this job.
Deactivate your Facebook account
how to deactivate Facebook account in mobile
Now go to Personal detail option from left side menu bar.
FB Deactivate Process
Where you can get an option “Account ownership and control”
Deactivation or deletion option facebook account
Two option show in front of you. In this case select Deactivation or deletion option. In addition select your profile.
Facebook Temporary Deactivate
This step is very important for you. If you miss to select wrong option then your Facebook account is deleting permanent. So be careful. As a result before click continue check at a glance. In this case select Deactivate Account Option. For your convenience we remark red color. Now enter password.
Why you want to deactivate facebook?
Now question is why you deactivate FB? Select one reason and submit it. In this case FB authority give permission to deactivate it. Therefore I am select This is temporary. I’ll be back. You can choose your cause which is best for you.
- This is temporary. I’ll be back.
- I have a privacy concern.
- I get too many emails, invitations and requests from Facebook.
- I have another Facebook account.
- I spend too much time on Facebook.
- I don’t feel safe on Facebook.
- My account was hacked.
- I don’t find Facebook useful.
- I don’t understand how to use Facebook.
- Other, please explain further:
FB (Facebook) Close option
Now Facebook want to know from you that when you come back, So you select from below option 3days, 5 days or 7 days. Here I select 5 days. At last click continue option.
Facebook Offline
Are you sure that you want to temporarily deactivate your Facebook account. Then select Deactivate my Account. That all you have complete your task. Now your Facebook is deactivate. With in short time your account is log out.
When Facebook is deactivated
Anybody else not can see your profile. But you can still chat with friends on Messenger. However if you fail to deactivate FB then you can take your help. We always try to give better service. Thanks for supporting us. In addition join our Facebook page.