How To Deactivate or Permanently Delete Instagram Account

How To Delete Your Instagram Account
How To Delete Your Instagram Account

Instagram, the popular photo and video sharing platform, can be a great way to connect with friends, family, and even build a community around your interests. However, for various reasons, you may reach a point where you want to take a step back from the platform. Fortunately, Instagram offers two options: deactivating and deleting your account. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice for you will depend on your personal needs and goals.

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family and the wider world. Instagram, one of the most popular social networking sites, boasts of millions of active users However, there may come a time when you may decide to take a step back from the platform or ditch it altogether. Whether it’s a temporary hiatus or a permanent exit, understanding how to deactivate or permanently delete your Instagram account is crucial.

What is the Difference Between Deactivating and Deleting Instagram?

Deactivating Instagram:

Deactivating your Instagram account is a temporary measure that allows you to take a break from the platform without permanently losing your data. Your profile, photos, and interactions are temporarily hidden, and you can reactivate them later by logging in. This is an ideal option if you are unsure about a long-term exit or want to maintain the option to return.

Deleting Instagram:

Deleting your Instagram account is a more permanent action that deletes all your data, including photos, comments and followers. Once deleted, your username becomes available to others and the process is irreversible. This option is suitable if you are sure to leave the platform well and have backed up any data you want to keep.

How To Delete Your Instagram Account? Step by Step 

To Delete Instagram Account follow our below Instructions step by step:

  • At first, Visit your Instagram Account. Log in to Instagram, if you haven’t already.
  • Tab on “Profile” Section from the menu bar.

  • Then, Tab on “Edit Profile” Option.

  • Now, Click On “See More In Account Center”.

  • After then, Click On “Personal Details”.

  • Now, Click On ”Account Ownership And Control”.

  • Choose your Delete Account Option and Tab on “Continue” Button.

Now, your Instagram Account has been deleted. If you want to delete your Instagram account then follow our above Instructions.

How To Delete Instagram Account From Account Center?

Delete your Instagram Account from Account center then, Follow below Steps:

  • Tap your profile picture in the bottom right corner.
  • Click Three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
  • Tap “Accounts Center”.
  • Now, Click  “See more in Accounts Center”.
  • Then, go “Personal Details”.
  • Now, Tab On “Account ownership and control”.
  • After then, Click “Deactivation or deletion”.
  • Select the account you want to delete.
  • Tap “Delete account”.
  • Tap “Continue”.
  • Choose a reason for deleting your account from the dropdown menu.
  • Re-enter your password.
  • Click Delete“.

How to delete an Instagram account on Android?

Here is a Step by Step Instructions on how to delete an Instagram account on Android:

  • Firstly, Open your Instagram App on your Android Device.
  • If you are not already logged in, enter your username and password to open your Instagram account.
  • Tap your profile picture lower right corner to go to your profile
  • Look for the three horizontal lines (hamburger icon) at the top right of your profile. And tap on it to open the menu.
  • Scroll down the menu and find the “Settings” option.
  • Within the Settings menu, locate and tap “Accounts”. In account settings, look for the “Delete your account” option. Tap on it.
  • Instagram will ask you to select a reason for deleting your account from the options provided. Choose the reason that best fits your situation.
  • To confirm that you own the account, Instagram will ask you to enter your password. Provide the required information.
  • Once you enter your password and select a reason, you’ll see the Permanently Delete My Account option. Tap on it to confirm deletion.
  • Instagram will display a confirmation message, letting you know that your account has been scheduled for deletion. The process may take some time to complete.

How to delete an Instagram account on iOS?

Here is a Step by Step Instructions on how to delete an Instagram account on iOS:

  • Open your Instagram App on your iOS Devices.
  • If you are not already logged in, enter your username and password to enter your Instagram account.
  • Tap your profile icon.
  • Look for the gear icon (Settings) located next to your profile name. Tap on it to open the settings menu.
  • In the Settings menu, find and tap “Accounts”.
  • In account settings, look for the “Delete your account” option. Tap on it.
  • Instagram will ask you to choose a reason for deleting your account from a list of options. Select the reason that best fits your decision.
  • To confirm your identity, Instagram will ask you to re-enter your password. Provide the required information.
  • After entering your password and selecting a reason, you will see the “Permanently Delete My Account” option. Tap on it to confirm deletion.
  • Instagram will display a confirmation message, letting you know that your account has been scheduled for deletion.

How to Temporarily Deactivate your Instagram account?

Sometimes, we all need a break from social media. Deactivating your account is a great option if you want to step away from Instagram for a while. It hides your profile and all its content until you reactivate, giving you the chance to refresh and come back when you’re ready. Learn how to temporarily deactivate your Instagram account, step by step:

Method 1: Using the Instagram App (Android & iOS)

  • Open the Instagram app and log in to your account.
  • Tap your profile picture in the bottom right corner.
  • Tap the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.
  • Go to “Settings” > “Account”.
  • Scroll down and tap “Temporarily deactivate my account”.
  • Choose a reason for deactivating your account (optional).
  • Re-enter your password.
  • Tap “Temporarily Deactivate Account”.

Method 2: Using the Instagram Website

  • Go to Instagram and log in to your account.
  • Then, Click your profile picture in the top right corner.
  • Tab “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
  • Click “Privacy and Security” in the left sidebar.
  • Scroll down and click “Account ownership and control” under “Account deactivation”.
  • Click “Deactivation or deletion”.
  • Select the account you want to deactivate.
  • Click “Temporarily Deactivate Account”.
  • Choose a reason for deactivating your account (optional).
  • Re-enter your password.
  • Click “Continue” and then “Temporarily Deactivate Account”.

How to Reactivate an Instagram Account?

Taking a break from Instagram can be refreshing, but ultimately, you might miss sharing with your followers. Fortunately, if you haven’t permanently deleted your account, reactivating it is a breeze! Here’s how to restore access to your profile step by step:

  • Download and open the Instagram app (if you haven’t already).
  • Enter the username and password you used before deactivating.
  • Tap “Log In”.

That’s it! You’re back in Instagram.

How to Back Up Your Instagram Data?

There are a few ways to back up your Instagram data, depending on what you want to save and how comfortable you are with different tools:

  • Go to your profile and tap the hamburger menu (three lines) in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Download Data”.
  • Enter your email address and choose the format (HTML or JSON).
  • Click on “Download Request”. Instagram will send you a link to your data within 48 hours (may take up to 14 days).

There are several third-party apps and services that can back up your Instagram data. They offer additional features like scheduling backups and organizing your data, but be careful about sharing your login information with any third-party services.

Why You Delete Instagram Account?

People delete their Instagram accounts for various reasons, both positive and negative. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Privacy Concerns: Instagram collects a lot of information about its users, which can be used for targeted advertising and other purposes. Some people are uncomfortable with this level of data collection and choose to delete their accounts to protect their privacy.
  • Taking a break: Sometimes people just need a break from social media. Deleting their Instagram account may be a way for them to disconnect and focus on other things in their lives.
  • Social Media Detox: Users can take a break from social media platforms, including Instagram, to reduce screen time, reduce distractions, or focus on other aspects of life.
  • Cyber Bullying or Harassment: Individuals experiencing online harassment or cyber bullying may delete their accounts to avoid negativity and maintain their emotional well-being.
  • Content Overload: Feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of content, notifications and updates on Instagram can prompt users to delete their accounts for a simpler, less distracting lifestyle.
  • Security Concerns: In the event of a security breach or if an account has been compromised, users may choose to delete their account to avoid further issues.

Final Thought

Deleting an Instagram account is an important decision with implications for personal privacy, digital presence and overall well-being. Whether prompted by concerns about privacy, a desire for a digital detox, or a change in life priorities, users should carefully consider the reasons behind their choices. Deleting an Instagram account is a permanent action, leading to the loss of all content and connections. Before proceeding, individuals are advised to download the data they wish to keep and consider alternative options, such as temporarily deactivating the account.